
Lubuntu: salta la 10.04?

Stando alle prime indiscrezioni Lubuntu non sarà ufficialmente supportata dalla versione 10.04. Salta quindi il tutto alla release di Ottobre.

Le jeudi 01 avril 2010 à 21:53 +0100, Phill Whiteside a écrit :
> Hi,
> in the wiki pages was stated that the was the desire for Lubuntu to
> enter into Canonical's stable of being "officially a *buntu"; as we
> approach the beta2 testing - is there a timetable of Lubuntu actually
> getting a decision?
> Informally, Lubuntu seems to receive support; but has Canonical made
> the decision yet?

For now, there is few chances that we will be a "offical" *buntu version
for 10.04. The iso is not build from the official architecture, and we
are a bit close to the release to add a new flavor.

However, we will still be able to produce an iso like we do for now.
It's not so bad news, because there are still some patches and packages
not included in official repository that are needed for Lubuntu. Using
PPA is much easier with this way of building iso that the standard way.

Julien Lavergne


Voi che ne pensate? Chi ha avuto modo di provare Lubuntu?