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LibreOffice 3.3.2 Release Candidate 1 disponibile

The Document Foundation ha oggi rilasciato LibreOffice 3.3.2 Release Candidate 1 ovvero la prima RC di LibreOffice 3.3.2
Le novità di questa release sono:

* translation and dictionary updates
* fdo#33189: en-US fallback strings for incomplete translations
* fdo#34565: Why checking on the default attribute to set the
* calc: Properly invalidate cached sheet XML streams during reference
* fdo#34350: Make sure these values are positive; we use them to
resize arrays.
* fdo#33756: Fixed incorrect cursor navigation.
* fdo#31939: Go through all tokens to look for a volatile one.
* fdo#34909: Enable import of macros for docxm
* #fdo34941: ensure a valid mediatype is set up for the ooxml
* fdo#33701: ensure node outlives xpath
* fdo#34664: prevent null pointer access when no ffdata available
* fdo#33468: remove Online Update and Improvement program
* fdo#34533: occasional blank first slide in presentation
* fdo#34699: some pythonsamples not visible on Mac OS X
* bnc#665112: work around IM problems with KDE4 integration
* fdo#34908:  Writer looses information in tick boxes

Il changelog completo può essere letto al seguente link. Per scaricarla basterà recarvi qui e scegliere la versione adatta al vostro sistema operativo.

Marco Giannini

Quello del pacco / fondatore di Marco’s Box