
Linux Mint Debian 201109 (Gnome & Xfce) disponibile per il download

Nuovo rilascio da parte del team di Linux Mint atteso da molti utenti. Con un post sul blog ufficiale di Linux Mint, Clem ha annunciato il rilascio di Linux Mint Debian 201109 in versione Gnome e in versione con il DE Xfce.

Novità importante di questo nuovo rilascio è la scelta di includere un kernel 486 di default. 

Questo kernel non supporta SMP, e di conseguenza è solo in grado di rilevare un solo core e una CPU. Se la vostra CPU ha più core, o se avete più di una CPU, è sufficiente installare il 686-PAE kernel e riavviare il computer.

Ecco le note di rilascio in lingua inglese:

LMDE in brief

  • Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) is a rolling distribution based on Debian Testing.
  • It’s available in both 32 and 64-bit as a live DVD with Gnome or Xfce.
  • The purpose of LMDE is to look identical to the main edition and to provide the same functionality while using Debian as a base.

What’s new in this release

  • All Linux Mint 11 features
  • Installer improvements (keyboard variants, locale, bug fixes, UUID in fstab)
  • Update Packs, dedicated Update Manager and staged repositories
  • GTK2/GTK3 theme compatibility
  • Updated software and packages
If you’re new to LMDE, welcome to Linux Mint Debian!

Important info

Multi-core and multi-CPU support in 32-bit kernel:

To guarantee compatibility with non-PAE processors, the 32-bit
versions of Linux Mint Debian come with a 486 kernel by default. This
kernel does not support SMP, and as a consequence is only able to detect
one core and one CPU. If your CPU has multiple cores, or if you have
more than one CPU, simply install the 686-PAE kernel and reboot your

Update Pack 2 and Update Pack 3:

This release comes with Update Pack 2 and points to
the “Linux Mint Debian Latest” repository as well as the Debian
“Security” and “Multimedia” repositories.
Starting with Update Pack 3, “Security” and “Multimedia” become part
of “Linux Mint Debian Latest”. When Update Pack 3 is made available,
your sources will need to change and all of them will then point at
Linux Mint. In the meantime, it is recommended not to apply updates
coming from “Security” and “Multimedia”, as they might not be compatible
with the packages in Update Pack 2.

Changelog completo e problemi noti

Per scaricare Linux Mint 201109 (GNOME & Xfce)

Download via torrent: [Gnome 32-bit] – [Gnome 64-bit] – [Xfce 32-bit] – [Xfce 64-bit]

Download diretto via server tedeschi:

Se riscontrate problemi di scaricamento con i server che vi ho postato potete provare un mirror alternativo sul blog ufficiale.