
Cinnamon 1.3.1 rilasciato

A distanza di soli tre giorni dal rilascio di Cinnamon 1.3 ecco un nuovo minor update da parte di Clem per il fork di Gnome Shell che tanto sta piacendo ai nostalgici di Gnome 2.
È stato infatti rilasciato Cinnamon 1.3.1
Vediamo cosa c’è di nuovo in questo minor upgrade:

  • Easier applet drag n’ drop:
    • Panel zones now cover the entire panel:  In Cinnamon 1.3 they only
      used the space they needed, leaving empty zones in the panel which
      didn’t react to drag n’ drop.
    • Panel zones are now highlighted on drag-over: In Cinnamon 1.3, you
      couldn’t see where the zones were, so dragging an applet was precarious
      as you couldn’t tell whether you were dropping it in the right or center
      zone (for instance). Since version 1.3.1, they now appear in color.
      This works with the default theme, and this post contains instructions
      for artists to update their theme to add this feature.
  • Cinnamon settings:
    • New “restore to default” button in the applet section
    • Text scaling factor now uses a spin button instead of a scale widget
    • Slightly improved layout
  • Default theme improvements:
    • Slightly better looking panel launchers
    • Smoother notifications
  • Other fixes:
    • Fixed battery/power applet
    • Many unnecessary warnings were removed from the logs
    • Typos were corrected in the systray applet
    • A bug was fixed which made some icons to appear too big in the system tray

Impacts on applets and extensions:

  • No impacts on applets
  • All extensions need to update the version to “1.3.1″ in their metadata.js file

Come sempre chi ha installato Linux Mint 12 o è su Ubuntu ed ha aggiunto i PPA troverà la sua distro aggiornata.