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Ubuntu GNOME Remix 12.10 Beta rilasciato

Prima (e unica) beta per Ubuntu GNOME Remix 12.10, la derivata ufficiale di Ubuntu senza Unity e tutta incentrata su GNOME Shell.
Come detto su è l’ultimo rilascio instabile prima della versione finale che debutterà il 18 Ottobre assieme a tutta la famiglia Ubuntu.
Vediamo cosa c’è di nuovo in Ubuntu GNOME Remix 12.10 Beta
  • The Ubuntu GNOME Remix ships with the GNOME 3.6 release candidate. GNOME 3.6.0 will be updated right after the Beta release.
  • GNOME Shell 3.6 and GDM 3.6. Among other improvements, the login and lock screen have been redesigned.
  • Web (epiphany-browser).
  • Abiword for word processing and Gnumeric for spreadsheets.
  • Evolution as email client.
  • Software
    (gnome-package-kit), which also includes its own update manager. You
    can install updates by opening Software and clicking Check for Updates
    in the Software app menu.
  • GNOME Classic (gnome-panel 3) is included but GNOME Shell is the default session if your hardware supports it.
  • Tweak Tool and dconf Editor are provided for customizing advanced settings.
  • Cheese is a fun webcam app.
  • Gwibber allows you to easily connect via social media.
  • The complete GNOME Games collection.
  • Rhythmbox is the default music player.
  • Shotwell is the default photo manager.
  • Useful utilities like Simple Scan and Transmission.

Ecco cosa non c’è

  • Some GNOME apps will not be upgraded to 3.6 for the 12.10 release. If you want these, try the GNOME3 PPA. Affected apps include Aisleriot, Nautilus, System Settings, and Totem.
  • Web does not support Flash in Ubuntu 12.10 (1001229). If you need Flash, try Firefox or Chromium.
  • Boxes is not included as it wasn’t working earlier in the release cycle (1038763)
    . Also, qemu-linaro (qemu-kvm-spice) doesn’t built on i386 in Ubuntu.
    qemu-kvm with spice support does build in Debian though on i386. (928432)
  • Documents is not included as it currently depends on LibreOffice, at least as packaged in Debian & Ubuntu.
  • LibreOffice is a more powerful office suite.
  • Ubuntu One is not included by default as it doesn’t feel like a GNOME app.
  • If you want the GNOME Classic with-effects session to work, install compiz.
  • If you want Ubuntu-style notifications in GNOME Classic, install notify-osd.

 Ubuntu GNOME Remix 12.10 Beta può essere scaricato sia tramite torrent

Sia tramite mirror.

World of Gnome ha realizzato un piccolo video che ben illustra la distro.

Marco Giannini

Quello del pacco / fondatore di Marco’s Box