
Firefox resta il browser predefinito di Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander

Come la tradizione vuole, prima di ogni nuovo rilascio di Ubuntu c’è il balletto dei proclami circa la scelta del browser di default. I contendenti sono sempre due ovvero Firefox e Chromium. Ebbene, anche a questo giro, a discapito delle previsioni dei chromettari, Firefox è stato confermato quale browser di default su Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander.
Ecco la mail dove viene annunciata la scelta:
Hi All -

Here's the latest follow-up on the default browser for 13.10 discussion.

Some great points were raised about the historic pattern of updates around

First, to get the formalities out the way, Firefox remains the default for

Second, I'd like to talk about the Chromium issues raised. It was rightly
pointed out that there have been issues keeping up with Chromium changes.
The big issue was with Web Apps integration and some changing APIs. Since
we've introduced Web Apps changes like this have always caused us some
grief. Web Apps have always been an interim step until we were able to get
a more self contained web apps container. That work is planned for 13.10
and progressing well[1]. This should be done for 13.10 and very much
refined for 14.04.

Lastly, I do want to consider Chromium by default for 14.04 once the above
is no longer an issue. I sincerely believe Chromium is the better
experience for general users and should be strongly considered for our next
LTS. Our next vUDS is August 27th-29th. I don't feel a need to have another
session on it, this mailing list should suffice. To that end, feel free to
continue this discussion and raise more thoughts.

Thanks everyone,

Ci vediamo dunque per Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Io continuerò a fare il tifo per Firefox, sperando che big G la smetta di fare i dispetti al panda rosso (non so se avete notato, ma ultimamente Firefox sta avendo problemi con Google+, in particolar modo quando si va a caricare Hangouts).