
Valve entra nella Linux Foundation

Buone nuove per il mondo Linux (badate bene, ho messo Linux e non GNU/Linux apposta :D).
Valve entra a far parte della Linux Foundation! L’annuncio arriva a seguito della scelta di Valve di lanciare Steam OS, un sistema operativo Linux (non basato su Ubuntu) che equipaggerà la Steam Machines e che potrà essere installato da tutti i pinguini.

Valve is
well-known for its award-winning games and Steam, a leading software
distribution platform with more than 65 million active accounts. The
company recently announced the SteamOS, a Linux-based operating system
that will power its Steam Machine living room devices. 

“Joining the Linux Foundation is one of many ways Valve is
investing in the advancement of Linux gaming. Through these efforts, we
hope to contribute tools for developers building new experiences on
Linux, compel hardware manufacturers to prioritize support for Linux,
and ultimately deliver an elegant and open platform for Linux users,”

said Mike Sartain of Valve. 

“Our membership continues to grow as both new and mature
entities embrace community development and open technologies,” said Mike
Woster, chief operating officer, The Linux Foundation. “Our new members
believe Linux is a strategic investment that allows their markets to
evolve as quickly as possible to achieve long-term viability and

Valve con questa mossa intende aiutare Linux cercando di obbligare i produttori di hardware a dare priorità al supporto per Linux.

Insomma, una ottima notizia per tutti i pinguini 🙂