
Rilasciato DraftSight 2016 SP2

DraftSight 2016 SP2 su Windows 10

Dassault Systèmes ha annunciato il rilascio di DraftSight 2016 SP2, la nuova release di manutenzione di manutenzione di DraftSight 2016, il cad 2D gratuito e multi piattaforma. 
Come potete leggere dalle note di rilascio si tratta principalmente di bug fix minori e di correzioni delle traduzioni.

DraftSight 2016 SP2 su KDE neon

Ecco la lista completa dei bug corretti:

  • Implements CONVERTPOLYLINE command.
  • Fixes the incorrect display and overlapping values when editing entries for the Bills of Materials.
  • Improves the display of tab stops in the Note Formatting Ruler.
  • Corrects the misplacement of restore, maximize, close buttons with ribbon minimized and restarting the application.
  • Improves the random disappearance issue of mouse cursor in the graphics area on the sheet view tab.
  • Improves the visibility issue of some Block Attributes fields not showing up in the Properties palette.
  • Improves the Print Style name in the STB to be displayed correctly in the “underscore” and “space”.
  • Corrects the installation dialog truncated text issue in the German version of DraftSight.
  • Updates ribbon by removing some icons with unrecognized commands.
  • Improves stability when creating single viewport in the drawing by disallowing zero viewport height.
  • Supports ModifyProperties command option name with underscore (_).
  • Gesture command: Fixes the translation issue at the radial button showing the wrong number of mouse gestures in the German version of DraftSight.
  • Gesture command: Fixes the unrecognized command when typing “Gesten” in the German version of DraftSight.
  • Refines some Help Documentation translations in the German version of DraftSight.
  • Corrects some Help Documentation grammatical errors in the German version of DraftSight.
  • Fixes the Function Clean () throwing exception when creating more than five sheets with function CreateSheetByTemplate().
  • Replaces the German word “Leertaste” with “Bereich” within the Layer States Manager dialog box in the German version of DraftSight.
  • Fixes the “GleichartigeAuswählen” command (SelectMatching) in the German version of DraftSight.
  • Improves the Help Documentation translations of Annotative Scaling feature in the German version of DraftSight.
  • Fixes the “ElementeIsolierungAufheben” command (IsolateEntities) in the German version of DraftSight.
  • Fixes the “ElementeVerbergen” command (HideEntities) in the German version of DraftSight.
  • Improves stability when editing referenced image.
  • Corrects the double letter keyboard shortcuts not working properly issue.
  • Fixes the ‘Error occurred during the saving’ issue when saving some drawing files to older versions format (ex. R2000-2009).
DraftSight 2016 SP2 su Linux Mint 18

Potete scaricare gratuitamente DraftSight recandovi all’indirizzo http://www.3ds.com/products-services/draftsight-cad-software/free-download/