
Rilasciato QCAD 3.18.0 con il supporto per DXF/DWG R32 (2018)

Ribbonsoft ha annunciato il rilascio di QCDAD 3.18.0 che porta con se il supporto per i formati DXT/DWG R32 (2018), nuovi e migliorati strumenti polilinea e spline e vari aggiornamenti per dwg2maptiles.

Ma vediamo il changelog completo:
  • QCAD Professional:
    • Draw:
      • Polyline:
        • Create from Segments:
          • Convert connected splines to arc segments
        • Arc to Line Segments:
          • Convert arc segments into straight line segments
      • Hatch from Segments:
        • Show warning if hatch boundary is not closed
        • Allow user to add / remove more segments if boundary is not closed
    • Context menu:
      • Splines:
        • Auto create polyline
    • Command line tools:
      • dwg2maptiles:
        • tile with y=0 is at the top by default (WMS)
        • add switch -tms for y=0 at the bottom (TMS)
        • performance improvements
        • add options for generating output with multiple processes:
          • add switch -e ROW,COL to specify a single tile to generate
          • add switch -s N,M to generate subsection N of M subsections
          • extend switch -z to accept ranges of zoom levels to generate (e.g. 3-3, 3-5 or 1,3,5)
    • Edit > Application Preferences > Widgets > Layer List:
      • Add preference “Switching off means freeze” to choose between freezing or hiding layers
    • Misc > Modify > Reset Spline Tangents
      • Reset all start and end tangents of (selected) splines
    • Update to Teigha 4.3.1