Geary 0.13 rilasciato con supporto agli Account online di GNOME
Il team di Geary ha annunciato il rilascio di Geary 0.13. Questa nuova versione, oltre a introdurre alcune novità, a migliorare le prestazioni e a correggere numerosi bug, porta con se una funzionalità molto attesa da parte degli utenti GNOME ovvero il supporto agli Account online di GNOME.
Di seguito ecco tutte le novità di Geary 0.13:
- Unread email count is now updated correctly
- Conversations load faster, smoother with better feedback
- Support for email accounts added via GNOME Online Accounts
- Improved account creation and management user interface
- Email flagged as deleted but not removed by other apps now hidden
- Individual messages in a conversation can be deleted
- Internal links in HTML email now work
- Supported ordered and unordered lists in the composer
- Rich text pasting improvements in the composer
- Plain text versions of rich text mail includes formatting
- Detached composers now remember their last used size
- Better reporting when a login, security or other problem occurs
- Reduced background synchronisation CPU use
- Improved handling when going online and offline
- Show an in-application notification when email has been sent
- Flag possibly spoofed email addresses
- Improve privacy when sending email using an alias
- Subject, sender and date are being shown when printed again
- Server compatibility improvements
- Build, testing and other infrastructure improvements
- Numerous bug fixes and minor user interface improvements
- Numerous user interface translation updates
Se siete su Ubuntu e derivate potete utilizzare il PPA ufficiale di Geary:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:geary-team/releases
sudo apt install geary