
Rilasciato MATE 1.18: Completata la migrazione alle GTK3+ e tanti miglioramenti generali

Dopo sei mesi di sviluppo il team di MATE ha annunciato il rilascio di MATE Desktop 1.18. Questa nuova release completa la migrazione alle GTK3+ e adotta nuove tecnologie per rimpiazzare alcune componenti deprecate.
Le principali novità di MATE Desktop 1.18 sono:

  • L’intera suite di applicazioni e componenti di MATE Desktop è ora basata solo sulle GTK3+
  • Completata la migrazione a GtApplication da libunique
  • Aggiunto il supporto libinput per mouse e touchpad
  • Supporto per l’accessibilità migliorato in particolare per gli utenti ipovedenti
  • Caja guadagna nuove funzionalità:
    • Aggiunge la coda di copia e la possibilità di mettere in pausa la copia
    • Aggiunta una finestra di conferma quando si spostano i file nel Cestino
    • Notifica quando le unità espulse possono essere scollegate in maniera sicura
  • Il blocco schermo caricherà ora lo sfondo dell’utente e non quello di sistema
  • Miglioramenti in MATE Panel con
  • Miglioramenti in Engrampa  
  • Le notifiche delle applicazioni supportano ora le azioni come ad esempio i controlli di riproduzione di un player multimediale
  • Rielaborato il visualizzatore di font
  • Sostitute le funzioni deprecate di upower per la sospensione e l’ibernazione con quelle equivalenti di ConsoleKit2
  • MATE Terminal aggiunge la possibilità di chiudere le schede con il tasto centrale del mouse
  • Atril è ora molto più rapido nel caricamento delle pagine ed è stato aggiunto il supporto per unarchiver che viene utilizzato da alcuni fumetti
  • I plugin di sistema e tutti i plugin C e Python in Eye of MATE e Pluma sono stati portati a libpeas
  • E ovviamente troviamo i consueti aggiornamenti delle traduzioni e correzioni di bug
Per i più tecnici di voi di seguito trovate il changelog completo
mate-common 1.18.0
  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier

mate-desktop 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Drop mpaste tool (won’t work without the website anyway)
  • Background: fix crossfade issues with recent GTK+ versions
  • Background: fix more graphics issues to allow Caja to use background for directory windows
  • Background: fix memleaks and other misc issues
  • Color select: fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Schemas: some fixes and cleanups
  • mate-about: update copyright year
  • mate-about: fix URL centering
  • Translations update

mate-user-guide 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Translations update

libmatekbd 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Translations update

libmatemixer 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Translations update

libmateweather 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Drop Python bindings and —enable-python build option (won’t work with GTK+3)
  • Locations: add Dunedin, New Zealand
  • Locations: add Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Locations: move Indonesia under Asia region
  • Locations: correct coordinates for Pune, India
  • Translations update

mate-icon-theme 1.18.0

  • Translations update

caja 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmate-desktop >= 1.17.3
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Port from libunique to GtkApplication
  • Implement copy queue and pausing
  • Add option for asking confirmation before moving files to trash
  • Add support for back/forward mouse buttons for directory navigation
  • Add notification when ejected drives are safe to unplug (and require libnotify at build time)
  • Add —force-desktop command line option to make Caja always manage the desktop
  • Add ability to get feedback from Orca when additional icons are selected/deselected
  • Drop metadata converting tool
  • Fix crossfade issues with recent GTK+ versions
  • Fix more graphics issues to allow Caja to use background for directory windows
  • Fix some more GTK+ deprecations and runtime warnings
  • Schema: some fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-polkit 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Translations update

marco 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Theme viewer: fix build for GTK+3 and fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Add ability to disable showing preselected window border on alt-tab
  • Add ability to ignore applications when show-desktop is triggered
  • Schema: make compositing on by default
  • Workspaces: switch wrapping behavior for ‘classic’ and ‘toroidal’ modes (it was reversed somehow)
  • Translations update

mate-settings-daemon 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require XInput unconditionally
  • Build: require libmatemixer >= 1.10, libxklavier >= 5.2, dconf >= 0.13
  • Build: require libmatekbd and libmate-desktop >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Add libinput support for mouse and touchpad
  • Touchpad: add separate settings for handedness (left/right-handed) and motion acceleration/threshold
  • Background: restore option to let Caja draw background with GTK+ 3.22
  • Some fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-session-manager 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Replace deprecated upower suspend/hibernate functions with ConsoleKit2 equivalents (and drop —enable-upower build option)
  • Translations update

mate-menus 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Translations update

mate-panel 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmate-menu >= 1.10 and dconf >= 0.13.4
  • Build: require libmateweather and libmate-desktop >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Launchers: add desktop actions support for additional launch options
  • Menu applets: add support for Menulibre menu editor, and prefer it to Mozo if both are installed
  • Notification area: add StatusNotifier support
  • Fix lots of GTK+ deprecations and runtime warnings
  • Don’t spam accessible name changes when it is translated
  • Some code cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-backgrounds 1.18.0

  • Translations update

mate-notification-daemon 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Implement action icons support (e.g. playback control icons used by media players)
  • Themes: fix some pie countdown issues
  • Translations update

mate-control-center 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmatekbd, libmate-desktop, marco, m-s-d >= 1.17
  • Build: require XCursor and XInput unconditionally
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Port from libunique to GtkApplication
  • Rework font-viewer: add font browsing mode, support for TTC fonts, and make it appear in the menus
  • Add libinput support for mouse and touchpad
  • Mouse: add separate touchpad motion settings on touchpad tab
  • Mouse: change tab label from General to Mouse
  • Mouse: change natural scroll mnemonic from ‘a’ to ‘n’
  • Fix lots of GTK+ deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-screensaver 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmate-menu >= 1.10
  • Build: require libmatekbd and libmate-desktop >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Lock screen: load user’s background instead of system one
  • Preferences: fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Translations update

mate-media 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmatemixer >= 1.10 and libmate-desktop >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Port from libunique to GApplication and GtkApplication
  • Some cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-power-manager 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require xproto >= 7.0.15
  • Build: require mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Replace deprecated upower suspend/hibernate functions with ConsoleKit2 equivalents
  • Use manpages as is instead of generating them from sgml (and don’t require docbook2man for build anymore)
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-system-monitor 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Add pkexec support for using kill and renice on other users’ processes and try using it before trying gksu
  • Fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Translations update

atril 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require caja >= 1.17.1
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • [comics] add support for unarchiver (unar and lsar)
  • [libview] increase page cache size to reduce number of page reloads
  • Remove metadata migration code
  • Force X11 backend
  • Fix lots of GTK+ deprecations
  • Fix some a11y issues
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

caja-dropbox 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libcaja-extension 1.17.1 and GLib 2.36

caja-extensions 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require caja >= 1.17.1 and libmate-desktop >= 1.17.0
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Add xattr-tags extension to show xattr tags in a new column
  • Translations update

engrampa 1.18.0

  • check the rar/unrar version to work the new date style with all versions
  • Fix: rar file listing now shows correct date with recent binary
  • Fix: open the 7z first split volume after compress
  • Fix typo in NEWS: engrampa instead engramp
  • Fix: compress rar split into volumes
  • Fix: compress 7z split into volumes
  • build: remove option that disables deprecated stuff
  • zip: added ear and war to the supported types list
  • Update engrampa NEWS to use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting.
  • Translations update

eom 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmate-desktop >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Drop Python bindings and —enable-python build option
  • Port plugin system and plugins to libpeas
  • Some code and docs cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-applets 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmateweather and mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Weather: fix temperature label placement
  • Weather: show proper help section for each tab of prefs dialog
  • Fix some GTK+ deprecations and runtime warnings
  • Some code cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-calc 1.18.0

  • Add AppData.

mate-icon-theme-faenza 1.18.0

  • Bump version

mate-indicator-applet 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: show new style indicator support status in summary
  • Build: require mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Translations update

mate-netbook 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Translations update

mate-sensors-applet 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-terminal 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Add ability to close tabs with middle mouse button
  • Translations update

mate-user-share 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require caja >= 1.17.1
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option

mate-utils 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Fix occasional distcheck breakage
  • Some code cleanups
  • Translations update

mozo 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Translations update

pluma 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and —with-gtk build option
  • Build: actually build GObject introspection data
  • Build: remove —enable-deprecations option – it actually disabled all deprecated stuff
  • Add ability to search/replace text using regular expressions
  • Drop Python bindings and —enable-python build option
  • Port plugin system and both C and Python plugins to libpeas
  • Snippets plugin: stop exposing functions on Pluma message bus (doesn’t work with GObject introspection)
  • Snippets plugin: fix snippet parts staying after Ctrl-Z
  • Fix unexpected closing of the first tab with middle-click under the line numbers column
  • Fix some runtime warnings in plugins
  • Some more fixes and cleanups in code and docs
  • Translations update

python-caja 1.18.0

  • Translations update
  • support GTK+3 only: require Caja 1.17.1 and pygobject-3.0
  • drop ancient check for Python 2.5, not needed these days