
LXQt: arriva la prima release pubblica

LXQt su Kubuntu 14.04 LTS

Attesa da molti pinguini all’ascolto, dopo un anno di sviluppo, è finalmente arrivata la prima release pubblica di LXQt, il nuovo desktop environment nato dalla collaborazione fra i team di LXDE, Razor-qt e Maui e che mira a realizzare un nuovo ambiente leggero e potente scritto utilizzando le Qt. 
LXQt 0.7.0 beta è da considerarsi la continuazione della versione stabile di Razor-qt in quanto ne eredita molto del codice (e dell’aspetto).
Se volete provare questa nuovo DE potete farlo fin da subito sulle seguenti distro grazie ai repository messi su dagli sviluppatori:

Per Arch Linux (AUR): https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lxqt-desktop-git/ 

Per Ubuntu 14.04 (Daily Builds PPA): https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/+archive/lubuntu-daily 
Per tutte le altre distro è disponibile il repository su git all’indirizzo: http://git.lxde.org/

Se siete come me su di una distro basata su Ubuntu dovrete aggiungere il suddetto PPA come segue. Aprite il terminale e digitate:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lubuntu-dev/lubuntu-daily
aggiornate con
sudo apt-get update
ed infine installate il tutto grazie al meta pacchetto 
sudo apt-get install lxqt-metapackage

Di seguito ecco il comunicato stampa ufficiale:

The LXDE and Razor-qt teams are proud to announce LXQt 0.7.0, the
first release of LXQt, the Qt Lightweight Desktop Environment. This
beta release is considered a stable continuation of the Razor desktop.

It has been almost a year since the Razor-qt project and the LXDE-Qt
project decided to merge. Since then, the LXQt desktop has been under
active development by 13 developers and dozens of contributors and

"The Linux community sees many forks but never any merges."
The merge has been praised by a lot of members of this community.
The Maui Project has joined our efforts in creating a better Qt
desktop and together we hope to focus less on our differences and more
on what we share.
The KDE Project has, in their efforts in building the modular KDE
Frameworks, opened new doors for Qt developers working with desktop
libraries. KF5 libraries may soon power some LXQt components!
In the same spirit, I would like other desktops to consider this an
open invitation to come and talk to us about how we could benefit from
each other's work.

Since the last release of Razor-qt (0.5.2), the desktop has had
serious overall polishing and hundreds of bug fixes, as well as a host
of new features including:
 - The inclusion of PCManFM-Qt, the Qt port of LXDE's desktop and file manager
 - An all-new modular architecture, allowing users and maintainers to
easily swap out components of the desktop for third party apps.
 - Several improvements to the system settings along with the
inclusion of screens management, keyboard settings and file
 - Improvements to cursor and appearance settings
 - Improved support for systemd-based setups
 - Ongoing work on Qt 5 compatibility. Most of our components already
build on Qt 5!
 - Ongoing work on Wayland support. Some components, including
PCManFM-Qt, can run on Wayland if QtWayland is available.
 - A new obconf-qt tool, for Openbox users (released separately)
 - A new compton-conf tool, for Compton users (released separately)
 - Several performance improvements
 - Experimental Raspberry Pi support
 - Partial FreeBSD support

Existing LXDE users will be happy to hear that the GTK version of LXDE
will not be discontinued for the time being. While several developers
have shifted their focus on LXQt, classic LXDE will continue being
maintained as long as there are developers still working on it.