
Samsung presenterà i device Tizen al MWC 2014

Da Samsung arriva la notizia che tutti noi ci aspettavamo dopo la comunicazione dello slittamento della commercializzazione dei primi device Tizen. Sono infatti partiti gli inviti per il 23 Febbraio 2014, data nella quale verranno presentati alla stampa i primi device Tizen. Ecco il comunicato stampa:

Please join the Tizen Association Board on Sunday, 23 February 2014 for a
welcome reception and kick-off to MWC 2014. During this invite only event, you
will get an exclusive sneak preview of the newest Tizen devices as well as an
opportunity to learn about the major milestones that the Tizen project has hit
since last year’s event.
We ask you to reserve time from 3-6 PM CET on 23 February 2014 at Hotel
ARTS Barcelona where you will also have the opportunity to hear from and
interview Tizen Association Board Members.