DraftSight V1R4.0 rilasciato
Piccolo aggiornamento settembrino per Draftsight, il CAD 2D gratuito e multipiattaforma disponibile nativamente per Linux.
DraftSight V1R4.0 è un aggiornamento minore che va ad introdurre alcune interessanti novità come l’esportazione nel formato PDF dei nostri disegni, funzionalità però che per ora è supportata solo nella versione per Windows (speriamo la implementino al più presto anche nella versione per Linux).
Ecco il changelog completo di Draftsight V1R4.0
What’s new in V1R4.0?:
- Windows 7 Preview:
This feature will show a preview thumbnail for each opened DraftSight
file when a user hovers over the DraftSight taskbar button. This
functionality allows the user to activate/close a document through the
taskbar button. - Enhancements to EXPORTPDF – Dialog boxes have been combined for ease of use (DraftSight for Windows only).
- Slide Library:
A slide library is a file containing one or more slides. Slide library
files are used for creating custom image tile menus and for combining
several slide files for convenient file management. Users can create
slide libraries from slide files using the MAKESLIDELIBRARY utility.
After users have set up a slide library, they can view slides by
specifying the name of the slide library and the slide (DraftSight for Windows only). - Print Scale List:
We have a list of some pre-defined scales that can be used to setup
view scale size in ratio to model space. Instead of calculating size and
setting up that size at each place, users can use the pre-defined
scales to speed up tasks – being able to add to the pre-defined scale
list, edit values and remove unwanted scales. - True Type Font improvements for Asian texts.
- Migration to ODA3.8.
- Enhancements to DraftSight APIs (application programming interfaces) (for the Enterprise Pack Offering for DraftSight only).
- The name changed for DraftSight Premium Pack to the Enterprise Pack Offering for DraftSight.
- The addition of a Drawing compare tool
to the Enterprise Pack Offering for DraftSight (formerly the Premium
Pack). This add-on can be used to graphically compare entities between
two drawing documents. The differences between the drawings are
displayed in color codes. Note: Drawing Compare compares the bitmaps of
two drawings at the bit level. Only visual changes are captured when the
drawings are compared. For example, if you move an annotation 2mm to
the left, this change is reflected in the comparison. Conversely, if you
change a custom property such as the Description, this does not reflect
in the comparison (DraftSight for Windows only). - The addition of a Design Library
to the Enterprise Pack Offering for DraftSight (formerly the Premium
Pack). This add-on utilizes a tab in DraftSight’s task pane to provide a
central location for user-defined reusable elements, such as blocks.
These elements are added to the drawing file and contain the properties
associated with the content file, such as Line Style and Layers. Simply
drag and drop the content from the palette into the task pane (DraftSight for Windows only). - The addition of Toolbox for DraftSight to the Enterprise Pack Offering for DraftSight (formerly the Premium Pack) (DraftSight for Windows only).
Potete scaricare DraftSight V1R4.0 all’indirizzo http://www.3ds.com/products-services/draftsight/download-draftsight/