
Ecco le proposte per Lubuntu 13.10

Novità in casa Lubuntu, la distro leggera di casa Canonical basata su LXDE.
Julien Lavergne, il manteiner principale della distro, ha pubblicato in nottata la lista delle proposte inerenti lo sviluppo di Lubuntu 13.10 che intende portare in sede dell’USD di Maggio. Ecco cosa bolle in pentola:
=== Goals ===
[phillw] 13.10 has to be a full release, albeit a work in progress for 14.04
=== Open discussions ===

Using Alphas for testing in this cycle ?
 – [phillw] I’d prefer switching back to alphas.
What to do for the off line documentation ?
 – [phillw] We will be using Mallard..
 – [phillw] current plan is to have an ‘apha’ release of such in 13.10 ready for full release in 14.04
 – [phillw] decide upon how much space will available on the ISO for the documentation
Chase down bugs that are hanging around from cycle to cycle during 13.10
Artwork change (if any artwork people are available).
Applications and settings changes for 13.10, which may include :
– Replace Chromium with Firefox
– Remove lxkeymap in favor of the keyboard applet of lxpanel
– Replace lubuntu-software-center with something else (or not)
– Remove xscreensaver, replaced by locking system of lightdm
– Remove ace-of-penguins, and replace it with maybe only 1 game (but a pretty one).

Requested Applications/Settings Changes:
-[JasonO] Ubuntuone-control-panel-qt system integration or application availability in the menu.
-[JasonO] ***Better file manager that includes options similar to nautilus like ssh/ftp.
-[JasonO] Set ImageViewer by default to not open images that are downloaded from the Internet via Chromium.
-[JasonO] I agree with Phillw, we need pretty games. FreeCiv?
-[JasonO] Super key configuration to open Lubuntu applications menu.
-[JasonO] +1 on Phillw’s proposal to replace Chromium with Firefox, as
much as I love Chromium it uses too much memory, therefore, it crashes a
lot. As I am typing this, I am afraid it will do so and remove all of
my ideas (CTRL+C after every sentence to keep the fear from becoming a

=== Closed discussions ===

Due sono le cose che saltano all’occhio, la prima è la possibilità di rilasciare le versioni Alpha così come accade per la distro principale, l’altra è la sostituzione di Chromium in favore di Firefox una scelta imho sensata visto che Firefox si è alleggerito molto con gli ultimi rilasci e quindi è ottimo per una distro il cui fulcro è la leggerezza.
Restate sintonizzati su Marco’s Box per seguire gli sviluppi di questa distro 🙂