
Chi se ne frega del DE che usa Torvalds!

Quest’oggi mi sono soffermato a leggere le parole (che condivido in pieno) di Aaron Seigo sull’ennesima sparata di Linus Torvalds ripresa da tutti i blog di informazione Linux circa il DE da lui preferito.
A quanto pare Torvalds, che in passato ha usato prima KDE, poi Gnome, poi Xfce a seguito di Gnome Shell è ora ritornato ad apprezzare Gnome 3.

Aaron Seigo ci va giù pesante

His opinion on desktop software is as meaningful as his opinions on
rocket ships, film production, oil recovery techniques, sociology,
religious history, automobile engineering or any of the other topics he
has no meaningful expertise in. Everyone will hold an opinion on things
they use, such as cars or ships, and things they simply come into
contact with, such as film and religion. Sharing our viewpoints is great
and a necessary part of democratic discourse which can move societies
along their evolutionary path. So opinions have value and can be hugely
beneficial when mixed together with hundreds, thousands or even millions
of other samples. The trick, however, is not letting those whose
opinions are of no great value in terms of being based on greater
understanding or access to relevant data become more important than
other opinions in those discussions.

e sottolinea come l’opinione di Torvalds sul DE da lui usato sia significativa come potrebbe essere una sua opinione sulle astronavi, sui film, sulle tecniche di recupero del petrolio, sulla sociologia, la storia religiosa o qualsiasi altro tema.
Voi cosa ne pensate?