
Cinnamon 1.6.2 e Nemo 1.0.4 rilasciati

Nuovo rilascio di manutenzione per Cinnamon (il popolare fork di GNOME Shell) e il suo files manager Nemo.
Le nuove versioni di Cinnamon e Nemo vanno dunque a fixare alcuni bug riscontrati senza introdurre novità.
Ma vediamo i cambiamenti

Nemo 1.0.4:

  • Fixed Alt-arrow keyboard shortcuts
  • Added nemo-wallpaper extension
  • Open-as-root now calls nemo itself (as opposed to xdg-open)
  • Nemo now autostarts whether or not org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons is at true or false

Cinnamon 1.6.2:

  • New “keyboard bindings” page in cinnamon settings
  • Fixed alignment in notification popups
  • Prevent non-gtk-systray-icons from disappearing on redisplay
  • Window-list applet: Fix regression to close-all and close-other
  • menu applet fix: get_key_focus was triggering a changed signal on
    the search text box, which was resetting categories (thinking a search
    was being performed).
  • Don’t hide Spotify from system tray
  • updated translations
  • altTab: Fix thumbnail size calculation for some dual-head setups
  • [Expo] Remove clip – fixes dual-display issue with clipped workspace ……display
  • Fixed conky/mintupload windows appearing in alt-tab
  • Use bottomMonitor to position bottom-aligned hot corner.
  • Alt-tab: Icons + Thumbnails as default choice
  • Enabled notifications and settings applets by default
  • Ignore the GNOME setting for handling the desktop (nemo should always start)

Se avete già installato Cinnamon 1.6.x riceverete gli aggiornamenti a breve.