
Ubuntu GNOME Remix 12.10 Beta rilasciato

Prima (e unica) beta per Ubuntu GNOME Remix 12.10, la derivata ufficiale di Ubuntu senza Unity e tutta incentrata su GNOME Shell.
Come detto su è l’ultimo rilascio instabile prima della versione finale che debutterà il 18 Ottobre assieme a tutta la famiglia Ubuntu.
Vediamo cosa c’è di nuovo in Ubuntu GNOME Remix 12.10 Beta
  • The Ubuntu GNOME Remix ships with the GNOME 3.6 release candidate. GNOME 3.6.0 will be updated right after the Beta release.
  • GNOME Shell 3.6 and GDM 3.6. Among other improvements, the login and lock screen have been redesigned.
  • Web (epiphany-browser).
  • Abiword for word processing and Gnumeric for spreadsheets.
  • Evolution as email client.
  • Software
    (gnome-package-kit), which also includes its own update manager. You
    can install updates by opening Software and clicking Check for Updates
    in the Software app menu.
  • GNOME Classic (gnome-panel 3) is included but GNOME Shell is the default session if your hardware supports it.
  • Tweak Tool and dconf Editor are provided for customizing advanced settings.
  • Cheese is a fun webcam app.
  • Gwibber allows you to easily connect via social media.
  • The complete GNOME Games collection.
  • Rhythmbox is the default music player.
  • Shotwell is the default photo manager.
  • Useful utilities like Simple Scan and Transmission.

Ecco cosa non c’è

  • Some GNOME apps will not be upgraded to 3.6 for the 12.10 release. If you want these, try the GNOME3 PPA. Affected apps include Aisleriot, Nautilus, System Settings, and Totem.
  • Web does not support Flash in Ubuntu 12.10 (1001229). If you need Flash, try Firefox or Chromium.
  • Boxes is not included as it wasn’t working earlier in the release cycle (1038763)
    . Also, qemu-linaro (qemu-kvm-spice) doesn’t built on i386 in Ubuntu.
    qemu-kvm with spice support does build in Debian though on i386. (928432)
  • Documents is not included as it currently depends on LibreOffice, at least as packaged in Debian & Ubuntu.
  • LibreOffice is a more powerful office suite.
  • Ubuntu One is not included by default as it doesn’t feel like a GNOME app.
  • If you want the GNOME Classic with-effects session to work, install compiz.
  • If you want Ubuntu-style notifications in GNOME Classic, install notify-osd.

 Ubuntu GNOME Remix 12.10 Beta può essere scaricato sia tramite torrent

Sia tramite mirror.

World of Gnome ha realizzato un piccolo video che ben illustra la distro.