
Linux Mint 14 “Nadia” il nome della prossima release in uscita a Novembre

Clem ha appena ufficializzato, tramite un post sul blog ufficiale di Linux Mint, il nome della prossima versione di Linux Mint che vedrà la luce per la fine di Novembre 2012.

Linux Mint 14 si chiamerà Nadia!
Il nome deriva anche in questo caso dalla Trilogia Marziana di Kim Stanley Robinson. Nadezhda “Nadia” Chernyshevski è la migliore amica di Maya. Da wikipedia leggiamo
A Russian engineer who started out building nuclear reactors in Siberia,
during the voyage and initial exploration of Mars, she does her best to
avoid the squabbles of the other members of the First Hundred. Instead,
she busies herself by building the first permanent habitation of Mars,
Underhill, using programmed automated robots. She also helps to
construct a new and larger habitat, and research facility in a nearby
canyon. In the later books, she becomes a reluctant politician.
Chernyshevski is in love with Bogdanov and is devastated when he is
killed in an attack by anti-revolutionary forces associated with UNOMA,
the transnationals and Phyllis Boyle during the first Martian
revolution. In retaliation for Bogdanov’s murder, she activates his
hidden weapon system, built into Phobos, which causes the entire moon (a UNOMA/transnational military base) to decelerate in orbit and destructively aerobrake in Mars’ atmosphere, utterly destroying it. In Green Mars,
she falls in love with Art Randolph, with whom she eventually starts a
family. After Martian independence, she grudgingly becomes the first
president of Mars.
Linux Mint 14 “Nadia” sarà basata su Ubuntu 12.10 e avrà le seguenti edizioni:
  • Cinnamon
  • MATE
  • KDE
  • Xfce