
Calligra Suite 2.4 Disponibile per il download

Il team di Calligra (ex KOffice) ha annunciato il rilascio della versione stabile di Calligra 2.4 ovvero la suite completa da ufficio nata in seno alla comunità KDE.
Vediamo cosa ci attende in questo nuovo rilascio
  • Calligra now has a completely rewritten text layout engine
    that can handle most of the advanced layout features of ODF. This
    includes tables that can now span more than one page, footnotes and
    endnotes and correct run-around around other objects such as pictures.
    This text layout engine is used all over the suite. The Words
    application itself is also largely rewritten but this is not as visible
    to the user.
  • The user interface is simplified. In Calligra Words
    multiple docks are now combined into one area controlling most aspects
    of text formatting. Kexi introduced modern modeless views.
  • Calligra can now handle larger parts of the ODF specification. One example of this is handling line endings like arrows.
  • There are several new applications including Flow, the diagram application. Braindump, the note taking applications is another new member of the Calligra family.
  • Calligra Active is a new interface for touch based devices and especially for the Plasma Active environment.
  • Import filters for Microsoft document formats have been enhanced to a new level.
  • On the technical side handling of styles, especially style
    inheritance works now. Roundtripping of advanced documents has also been
    improved a lot.
  • And of course many many bugs have been fixed as well as enhancements to almost all small or big parts of Calligra (see also the Kexi changelog).
Calligra è presente nei repository delle maggiori distro già da qualche ora. Se siete su Kubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin non dovrete far altro che installare la suite dando

sudo apt-get install calligra calligra-l10n-it

Gli utenti Kubuntu 11.10 possono installare Calligra seguendo la mia precedente guida Installare Calligra Suite Beta su Kubuntu 11.10 dove troverete una panoramica dei programmi che compongono Calligra Suite, fra i quali annoveriamo l’ottimo programma di editing immagini Krita che giunge alla versione 2.4