
Kubuntu 12.04 abbandona il supporto per l’integrazione di Firefox in KDE

Brutte notizie quelle che questa mattina il mio caro amico Diego mi ha dato. Phoronix ha riportato uno stralcio di conversazione sul canale IRC di Kubuntu in cui emerge che in Kubuntu 12.04 non ci sarà più il supporto per l’integrazione di Firefox nell’ambiente KDE.
A dire il vero me ne ero accorto da quando qualche settimana sono passato alla beta di Kubuntu 12.04, in pratica non funziona nel menù di download l’apertura dei file e nemmeno quella delle cartelle. Appare sempre un messaggio che invita a selezionare l’applicazione da usare per compiere l’operazione. All’inizio mi son detto, son cose che accadono, magari nella versione in sviluppo non hanno ancora aggiornato il pacchetto firefox-kde-support che consente appunto l’integrazione delle finestre di dialogo, l’associazione dei file e altre cosucce.
Ora invece la doccia fredda, hanno deciso di non supportare più questo pacchetto.
Ma vediamo lo stralcio di conversazione
[14:13] [MountainX] where should I discuss Firefox-related KDE
integration issues? The package firefox-kde-support appears to be broken
for 12.04.

[14:13] [ubottu] Launchpad bug 949949 in kmozillahelper (Ubuntu) “KDE support for firefox doesn’t work” [Undecided,Confirmed]

[14:13] [Riddell] MountainX: debfx knows his stuff on that

[14:16] [Whois] debfx is ~debfx@fobos.de (Felix Geyer)

[14:16] [Whois] debfx is a user on channels: #kubuntu-devel

[14:21] [debfx] MountainX: kde support has been dropped in the firefox package so we’ll remove firefox-kde-support from precise.

[14:24] [MountainX] debfx: wow, that’s very bad news for Kubuntu 🙁

[14:25] [MountainX] debfx: do you have a link or reference for the backstory on this decision? What or who brought this about?

[14:27] [debfx] MountainX: the ubuntu firefox maintainer is no
longer willing to maintain the patch (it has no chance of being accepted

[14:29] [MountainX] am I over reacting or is there a trend developing recently that looks bad for Kubuntu?

[14:30] [micahg] debfx: I assume that you or someone else have tried to figure out what it would take to upstream this support?

[14:39] [debfx] micahg: the kde integration was not written with the intention to upstream it

[14:40] [debfx] MountainX: the real problem is that mozilla doesn’t
care much about kde and no one from the community stepped up to write
the necessary code for a proper kde integration.

[14:45] [Riddell] MountainX: you’re over reacting

[14:45] [Riddell] debfx: do you know what suse do now for firefox kde integration?

[14:46] [debfx] Riddell: they still maintain the patch in their package

[14:54] [MountainX] Riddell: Yes, maybe I’m over reacting. But I’m
in the midst of making a decision between opensuse and Kubuntu, and I
just decided to go with Kubuntu. So this news (and Canonical’s recent
news) seemingly has a significant impact on me.

[14:54] [MountainX] I plan to invest the time to get deeply familiar
with one distro, so I’m making a long term commitment. Really good GTK
intregration is an important feature of a KDE distro to me.

[14:57] [tsimpson] the news from Canonical has no real effect on you, unless you wanted to buy commercial support

[14:57] [tsimpson] as for FF, the KDE support was always really just a hack, and that’s just not good in production systems

[14:58] [tsimpson] there’s nothing really wrong with just running
the stock firefox if you want to use it, or any of the other browsers in
the repositories

[14:58] [MountainX] yes, I do pay for a support contract and it is up for renewal in a couple weeks

[14:59] [MountainX] tsimpson: nothing wrong with it in Kubuntu
unless you’ve used opensuse and gotten spoiled by the beautiful
integration. 😉

[15:00] [debfx] tsimpson: the kde integration is a hack but that
doesn’t mean it’s unstable, only that it’s difficult to maintain.

[15:00] [tsimpson] if the patch is unmaintained, then it’s not really justifiable to include it though

[15:00] [tsimpson] debfx: I didn’t mean it was unstable, just not a chance it was ever going to be integrated
L’unica cosa che possiamo fare ora per far sentire la nostra voce è segnalare e commentare in massa il bug
al fine di far emergere il nostro sdegno per questa sciocca decisione.