
News da Mint 12 in attesa del rilascio finale

In un post appena pubblicato sul blog dedicato alle novità dal team di Linux Mint, Clem, fra le tante cose, ha fatto il punto sui bug corretti e le migliorie apportate a Linux Mint 12 in questi giorni che ci separano dal precedente rilascio della release candidate alla versione stabile.
Vediamo dunque quali sono:
  • apturl is now fully functional
  • adding PPA repositories was fixed
  • MATE received a critical update to mate-session-manager (this bug
    prevented MATE to be started from the login screen for i386 users)
  • mintMenu was ported to MATE
  • packages now open with gdebi
  • mgse-menu received keyboard navigation and multiple bug fixes
  • mgse-windowlist was given a brand new look and now looks extremely similar to the Gnome 2 window list
  • mgse-bottompanel now makes it possible to switch between workspaces using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+Arrow keys
  • Mint-Z now features silver-looking bottom panels, menu and window
    list which look similar to Mint 11, as well as a new theme called
    Mint-Z-Dark which features black components and looks like an
    improvement of the MGSE desktop from the RC release.
  • The ability to open directories as root was added to Gnome 3
Non ci resta dunque che attendere la release finale 🙂