Shuttleworth: Niente tablet con Ubuntu (per ora) e Chrome probabile nuovo browser
Mark Shuttleworth ha così risposto
An Ubuntu tablet?
Speaking of the iPad, Shuttleworth spends much of his time fending off questions about when Canonical and partner hardware companies will release a proper Ubuntu tablet. The Ubuntu interface is now more touchscreen-friendly than ever, and some people have shoehorned Ubuntu onto tablets designed to run specific applications, he said.
But there is no official Ubuntu tablet “because Unity as it is right now is not a tablet interface,” Shuttleworth said. “The applications easily accessible to Ubuntu are not tablet apps. It would be misrepresenting it to suggest otherwise.”
Canonical has embraced the Qt framework, which has multi-touch capabilities. But Shuttleworth did not provide any timeline for an Ubuntu tablet.
In fact, Shuttleworth says, “We looked at it closely in the last cycle and the decision was to stick with Firefox in 11.10.”
11.10 is the next version of Ubuntu, to be released in October as part of Canonical’s twice-a-year release cycle. Chrome probably won’t replace Firefox in 12.04, due out in April 2012, either, because that will be the long-term support version, making it an unlikely candidate for major changes.
“That probably keeps us on Firefox for another year, at least, and we’ll see from there,” Shuttleworth said.