
Jim Zemlin della Linux Foundation commenta la scelta di Nokia di allearsi con Microsoft

Il direttore esecutivo della Linux Foundation, Jim Zemlin risponde all’annuncio di Nokia della sua partnership con Microsoft.
Come lecito aspettarsi è deluso dalla scelta adoperata da Nokia che da sempre è stata una forte finanziatrice delle QT e che stava lavorando per portare MeeGo sugli smartphone.
Ecco come ha commentato Jim Zemlin
“The Linux Foundation is disappointed in Nokia’s decision today to choose Microsoft as the primary platform for its mobile phones. Tough times give birth to difficult decisions that we don’t always agree with, but open source is — at its core — about choice. We believe that open source software is more than a sum of its parts, and the market is currently bearing that out. The Linux Foundation is here to enable collaboration among its members and the Linux community, and we invite participation in MeeGo and any of our other many projects and programs. In its 20th anniversary year, Linux is a significant underpinning in every computing segment. Full steam ahead.”

 Fonte Linux Pro Magazine